Dear Principal, dear Director, dear sisters, Staff members, teachers, parents and dear Students. First let me express my joy to be with you all on the occasion of your annual exhibition. It is a great opportunity to gather together and to appreciate our school with all its initiative, programs and educational projects.
I take this opportunity to express my gratitude for the work of the school staff members and teachers. A thank you of course to the families who entrust their children to us for education. A thank you to all the students for their active participation. You are the purpose of all the work of the school: to make you responsible and creative adults to build a future of prosperity and peace.
The title of this exhibition is very significant: "Innovate to Elevate: Building the Future Together". It is not enough to have innovations in society. We certainly look favorably on new technological discoveries that can expand our knowledge and our ability to change life and the world around us and the relationships between people in society.
But let's not forget that every true innovation must lead to an elevation, to human and spiritual growth. For this reason it is important to communicate to our young people not only technical knowledge; we must communicate to them the wisdom of life, the fundamental values that give meaning to life: solidarity between people, love, tolerance, peace. Above all it is essential to transmit to young people an awareness of the meaning of spiritual, moral and religious values.
Dear students, look to the future with hope. You are called to build a more fraternal and human world. May the years of formation in school help you to be strong men and women in the values that give meaning to life.
The Most High and merciful God will never fail to give His grace and His love to all of you so that you may live every day of your life in commitment and joy.