We are in my second pastoral visit to your parish dedicated to Saint Paul. Today I have the joy of celebrating the sacrament of confirmation for you, dear young people. In this way, the introduction to the mysteries of our faith, which began on the day of your baptism, comes to completion in you. From today the parish expects from you a greater commitment towards other children and a more abundant generosity in the different ministries in the parish community. Today is also a wonderful day to celebrate this sacrament because today we celebrate the solemnity of Pentecost.
Together with you I greet with joy your parents, relatives and friends, and the sponsors who present you to the Bishop. I particularly thank the catechists who accompanied you in these years of formation.
As we heard in the first reading, on the day of Pentecost the Spirit descends on the Apostles gathered in the upper room together with Mary, the Mother of God. From that moment, the Apostles were full of strength from above, the love of God is poured out into their hearts. With the power of the Holy Spirit, the disciples overcame every fear and began to announce the Risen Christ to the whole world. The gift of the Holy Spirit enables them to announce the Gospel to all the peoples of the earth.
In fact, Pentecost is the feast of the Church made up of different peoples. Pentecost is the celebration of unity in diversity. It is the feast of our Church. We are a Church made up of many different peoples. We speak different languages, but we form one Church.
The Apostles and their successors, the bishops, transmit to all the faithful the gift of the Holy Spirit that they have received. Dear young people, I too will soon do the same to you, invoking upon you the gift of the Spirit and marking your forehead with the sacred chrism.
So today in this parish we not only celebrate the solemnity of Pentecost, but it is once again a Pentecost for you because you receive the gift of the Holy Spirit in a special way. But why does the Lord Jesus want to give you the Holy Spirit? We find the answer in the Gospel we just heard. The risen Jesus appears to his faithful and makes them participants in his own mission: as the Father sent me, so I also send you: receive the Holy Spirit.
Dear boys and girls, you receive the Holy Spirit because Jesus wants to make you participants in his mission. In fact, you are in this world not by chance, you were not born by chance. But you were wanted by God, you were loved and chosen for a mission to accomplish in this world. Each of you is unique and unrepeatable. Each of you is called by name, one by one. Never forget it, God calls you by name because each of you is original and not a photocopy.
Saint Paul in his first letter to the Corinthians, tells us about the particular gifts distributed by the Holy Spirit to each one: they are the different charisms and talents. These gifts are given to you precisely to be able to carry out the mission that the Lord entrusts to you.
Dear ones, I don't know what your mission will be, God knows it. But now with the gift of the Holy Spirit you will be able to discover it. I am sure that some of you will become a great doctor in the future and will make discoveries that will improve the life of humanity. Some of you will be called by Jesus to become a priest and to serve the people of God. Some among you will be called to religious life, to become friars or nuns and will do great works of good as St Francis of Assisi and Mother Teresa of Calcutta did. Others among you will become missionaries and will bring the Gospel to places where Jesus is not yet known. Many of you, when you become adults, will be called to form a family. This too is a very beautiful and important vocation. We need holy families, holy priests, and holy consecrated people. Don't be afraid to listen to the voice of Jesus who invites you to follow him. Don't be afraid of leaving everything to make yourself available to the Gospel. In fact, there is nothing more beautiful than meeting Jesus and bringing his friendship to everyone.
Finally, today you received a tau, the cross of Saint Francis of Assisi which was prepared for you by Poor Clare Sisters in a monastery in Italy, who pray for you. Never forget it: there is always someone praying for you.
Dear young people, you are called to do great things, which is why Jesus gives you the Holy Spirit today. Now I invoke the Holy Spirit upon you. Open your hearts to this great gift.
May the Blessed Virgin Mary, who was present on the day of Pentecost with the Apostles, help you to welcome the gift of the Holy Spirit and make it fruitful in you. May St Paul, St Arethas and fellow martyrs support you in your Christian testimony.