On the 2nd of November, Bp Paolo inaugurated the new outdoor gathering area of St Anthony's parish in Ras Al Khaimah, "that will favor the joyful gathering of the faithful to pray, to share gifts and to walk together".
We too are called to be saints, to be united with God in love and to love one another as Jesus loved us. When we think of the saints, we must not think of heroes, distant from us and unreachable. The saints are men and women like us who have lived their vocation to holiness and have walked together towards the fullness of divine life.
Pope Francis released today a new encyclical Dilexit Nos (“He Loved Us”), subtitled “Letter on the Human and Divine Love of the Heart of Jesus Christ,” calling for a renewed understanding of devotion to the Sacred Heart in the modern era and its many pressing challenges
Bp Paolo speaks about the Vicariate's new Interfaith & Ecumenical Dialogue Office: "dialogue is not only for scholars but for all believers". He emphasizes the work done by the Sisters of Charity in Yemen where "interfaith dialogue is named love"
The extraordinary Jubilee Year of St Arethas and Companions martyrs concluded on Sunday 22nd of September 2024 with the celebration of Holy Mass, presided over by Bp Paolo Martinelli, OFM Cap., in presence of Arch. Christophe El-Kassis, apostolic nuncio to UAE and Yemen, and Bp Emeritus Paul Hinder, OFM Cap., followed by the closing of the Holy Door and the veneration of the relic.
Coming to this country in the Gulf as migrants we become an indivisible part of the history of this Church of Arabia, rooted in the Apostolic testimony and watered by the blood of the martyrs. This extraordinary jubilee has been a great occasion of joy for all of us. This jubilee concludes but the joy does not end.
Pastoral Letter “Joy and Jubilee” released on 22nd of September 2024 : Bp Paolo reflects on the Jubilee Year of St Arethas, the joy and fruits it brought to the vicariate, and invites to deeper prayer following the call of Pope Francis looking towards the Jubilee 2025.
"It is right to want to be great, we are made for great things. But Jesus tells us that only he who lives in humility is truly great. He who loves is great, he who serves his brothers and sisters is great."
Bp Paolo was invited to speak about the role of forgiveness, reconciliation and compassion for peace. Taking the example of Jesus and St Francis, he stressed how reconciliation and forgiveness are the road to peace, breaking the cycle of violence and revenge, and opening up to fraternal life. The forum was organized by by the Maitribodh Organization and Etisalat Academy.
Who is Jesus for you? Your whole life will depend on how you answer this question. We have never finished discovering who Christ is for us. We must let ourselves be surprised by Christ. We are on a permanent journey of conversion. As catechists, be witnesses of the good life of the Gospel. In this way, you will also be credible teachers.
"The meaning of the year of prayer in preparation for the jubilee" was the theme chosen by Bp Paolo Martinelli OFM Cap. As the Jubilee Year of Saint Arethas and companions martyrs draws to a close, Bp Paolo invites us to turn towards the jubilee of the Lord 2025 : as Pope Francis has invited us to prepare for this fundamental event with a time of prayer, the bishop explains why and how.
Bp Paolo Martinelli, OFM Cap., installed Fr. Joby Vengappally, OFM Cap., as the new parish priest of St John the Baptist parish in Al Dhannah (Ruwais), succeeding Fr. Thomas Ampattukuzhy, OFM Cap.
Around 2000 children enjoyed the Summer Camp 2024 across the vicariate, thanks to the dedication of our priests, some guest priests and hundreds of volunteers. The bishop as well was able to participate in some of the Summer camps.
The word of God this Sunday reminds us of the true value of God's law. It is not a burden to be avoided but a gift of God's wisdom to live well every day, trying to realize God's will in all our actions.
Bp Paolo Martinelli attended the meeting of the Conference of the Latin Bishops of the Arab Regions (CELRA) in Rome, during which they met Pope Francis.
Pope Francis had originally chosen to give this Letter a title referring to priestly formation. On further reflection, however, Pope Francis thought that this subject also applies to the formation of all those engaged in pastoral work, indeed of all Christians.